While you may have studied hard to get into your desired field, chances are no one has taught you the most important career skill – how to get yourself employed.
Our Starting Out self-paced program does just that. It answers all of those questions you have (but don’t know who to ask) like:
- What should my resume include?
- Do I have to write a cover letter?
- How do I pitch myself as the ideal candidate when I have no experience?
- Where are the best places to look for work?
- How do I make a good impression at interview?
- What interview questions should I prepare for and ask at my interview?
- How do I ask about money?
Being able to sell yourself to an employer is not something that you are born with, it’s something you learn. Like driving a car, it takes practice for it to become second nature and it pays to have an instructor to show you the way and explain the rules, so you don’t make common mistakes or miss key opportunities along the way.